Apr 1, 2007

You want to sell to ME?

I've been in Washington for the International Franchise Expo talking to hundreds of people interested in franchising from Bethesda to Bejing. The right to be here to talk to these folks officially costs over $6000 plus travel expenses.

I've had to endure three days of industry folks who chose to opt for a $30 attendee ticket and want to take my time away from my prospects to sell me anything from advertising to financing to construction. And many of them are actually offended when I offer my business card and the opportunity to contact me AFTER the show (no hint taken).

And the conference administrator puts token "No Solicitor" signs at the gate but doesn't enforce it.

Note to salespeople. Be mindful of your audience and their receptiveness. Sure, it's clearly a pet-peeve of mine that you're bothering me, but I'm also guessing that you're bothering many others. I'll personally be more inclined to talk to you and be receptive to your information if you contact me on my home turf, not MY selling turf.

Get a clue.

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